#9 Let's Polish It Up

Better than best!

So now that we finalized our second production sprint and created a mechanically finished game, what is next? Well: we make the best possible version of what we have. Both visually and audibly. Want to find out how we concluded our previous sprint? You can find the devlog here: #8 Sprint Two Finalized - [Group 15]SquirrelMania by NielsBernaerdt, Yanouk Verleysen, SiyunMaes, NicolasNeveDae, Merlijn Heylen (itch.io)

Player Feedback: Yup, we are still creating more particles! As we have already mentioned before: "particles are a perfect example of a subtle, but important form of player feedback". Most of the combat-based animations still lack some supporting RFX. Do not worry, they have been made, but they just need to be implemented.
Even a simple RFX will make a dull animation like a charging attack a whole lot more interesting.

The same goes for the little "wiggle" before a branch starts falling. It's not that big of a deal to create, but the effect it has is immense.

HUD & UI Revamp: 

The main menu layout has been reorganized to give a clearer view to the player of what is going on.

Also the victory screen got a slight change of layout.

The placeholder "Options" button has been transformed into a working "Controls" button, showing the controls of the game.

Also the "Credits: button now has a working functionality.

Background/foreground upgrade:

Speechless... truly speechless...

Coming soon (Final edition)

  • Smoothen out the sound
  • Slightly tweak the animations (Prevent a double jump from breaking the jetpack animation)
  • Implementation of combat-like RFX
  • ...


SquirrelMania-v0.8.zip 195 MB
May 16, 2022

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